Coach Sof: Behind the Scenes


Hi there! It’s nice to meet you.

I wanted to take this time to get a bit more personal with you - after all, it is really hard to feel connected to anyone without knowing much about them.

For me, connection is at the core of how I train my clients. I know what you’ve heard, training is all about the physical - “No pain, no gain” or something like that? Well, while that may be true in some instances, and that type of training appeals to some people, that certainly isn’t the way I like to approach coaching.

You can’t possibly ask someone to do x, y, and z, without knowing more about them. Our mental health, emotional boundaries and limitations, all play a massive role in what we are physically able to do. Without connection, and getting to know one another, you’re only really able to do half the job.

So, in an attempt for you to learn more about me, here it is.

If you read the “My Story” page, you know a little about why and how I came to be a personal trainer. What you don’t know though, are my constant doubts to becoming one. My journey here was not the typical one, that’s for sure. No, I do not have a Kinesiology degree, I haven’t been a professional athlete, and I don’t have the stereotypical personal trainer body. Unfortunately, the fitness culture can be a really ostracizing place. It’s an industry that was built for elite people (mainly, men), all in the name of looking a particular way. So yeah, in a lot of ways, these myths about what gyms should be, what your coach should look like, and how your coach came to be a coach, are still in place. When I first started training, I would constantly have (and in some ways still do) what is called “Imposter Syndrome,” which refers to feeling or believing that you are not as competent or qualified as others perceive you to be (Sound familiar?). So, while I was training a client who was uncomfortable in the gym, I was also uncomfortable being around so many experienced trainers.

But, I’m going to let you in on a little secret… just because your coach has a six-pack and a pile of papers, doesn’t mean they’re going to be a great coach for you.

As many different types of clients and personalities there are in the world, there is as many (and more) coaches!

And despite all the courses I have taken to allow me to coach you in a safe, efficient, and effective manner, I truly believe that the best preparation for coaching for me, was to learn more about leading from my heart - starting with what my values and goals are as a client; connection.

I’m still learning to appreciate my own abilities, perspectives, and journey that led me here, but it is a process. It’s hard to retrain yourself to believe you’re valued and worthy. My hope is that through connection, and learning more about others, I will learn more about loving myself.

Coach Sof’s Favourites:

Place to visit in Thunder Bay - Hillcrest park; I love watching the water.

Coffee order - Americano, black.

Summer activity - Biking, volleyball, and evening bonfires with my favourite dude, Mitch.

Childhood memory - Making forts in the woods with my brother and cousins.

Favourite Vacation - To Australia to visit my family

Music while working out - something hard and heavy as I lift, and something fun and poppy as I do something more high intensity.

Other facts:

I can’t swim.

Change is hard for me.

I enjoy taking walks alone.

I’m trying to walk on my hands.

I love my golden retriever, Jack.

I’m really corny 100% of the time.

I’m learning that vulnerability and courage are not mutually exclusive (Thanks Brené Brown).

Until next time,

Coach S.


The “Quarantine 15” - or whatever it is they’re calling it.