The “Quarantine 15” - or whatever it is they’re calling it.


Imagine this: The world as we know it is over. We’re overwhelmed with anxiety and stress about how we’re going to make ends meet, how we’re going to survive taking care of our kids while continuing to figure out a ‘work from home schedule.’ Maybe ‘work’ won’t change for you, but life as you know it is still over. Now you’re working double time because so many of your employees can’t, and all of a sudden you can’t get toilet paper anywhere?

Call it what you want, but life as we knew it was over (and still is). We were forced into months away from people we loved, our routines that held us together (mentally, spiritually, physically), and having to cancel every potential party/gathering we had planned. Now, the new normal is wearing masks from afar, using “House Party” to play games with friends, and work “Zoom” calls. So what happens when our world completely changes, stress is heightened, life literally slows down to a snails pace? With such drastic changes in routine, lifestyle, and diet, our bodies tend to hold on to a little bit of weight.

But here’s the thing. YOU ARE SURVIVING A PANDEMIC. And if you’re reading this, congratulations, because you made it out on the other side! And now, when you look back to reflect on it, you forget about all that $hit! you just endured, and all you see is the little weight you put on. Not to mention, social media and gyms are using that weight as a sales tactic: “We can help you lose the Quarantine 15!” It’s enticing, it sounds good, but… it’s body-shaming.

I shared a post with The SHINE Members about this and it received a lot of feedback. So I wanted to come on here and share it with you, too.

  1. Cut yourself some slack when it comes to body image. You were literally fighting to stay alive for months. So maybe you gained a few extra pounds; life happens! Pandemics happen, too (apparently). We ebb and flow, to the rhythm of life, and so too do our bodies. Move forward, without the guilt of a few pounds.

  2. Weight gain has always been demonized. But, it’s only because of the way we perceive it. If you gained a healthier outlook on life, and in the process gained +5lbs, because you slowed down, enjoyed bonfires in the evening, and listened to your body, then what you ACTUALLY gained far out-weighs the “weight gain", and that is something to be proud of.

You are so much more than your physical appearance. Your mental state was likely the focus during quarantine (it certainly was for me), and that was so much more important than making sure you didn’t gain weight.

And please, don’t let whatever happened affect how you approach life now. Don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed; it was a pandemic for everyone else, too. I know many people have been feeling this way when it comes to returning to gyms. If you’re feeling this too, please remember:

  1. Everyone is “starting again” and everyone is there for the same purpose (in pursuit of a healthier lifestyle). The sooner you can shake off what others think (and it’s likely that no one is thinking about you, anyways), the sooner you’ll be more comfortable. Bring a friend to help ease you back into it.

  2. Motivation is overrated. For real. I know for most people that is what brings us to fitness, but that certainly isn’t what keeps us there. It’s also usually not why we fall in love with training. Remind yourself that if you don’t love what you’re doing, how you’re training, where you’re training, and who you’re training with, then motivation won’t help get you any further, anyways.

Now, the second half of 2020 is underway. The first half was a ride. We struggled. We were uncomfortable. We learned some things. Don’t make the second half harder than it has to be.

Be kind to yourself.

You deserve it.


Consistency isn’t sexy, but it works…


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