Consistency isn’t sexy, but it works…


It’s almost September! And in the fitness world, that’s basically January.

For most people, the summer often means more gatherings, more bbq’s, more alcoholic beverages, more chips and salsa (none of which are inherently “bad”, by the way). People are out of town more, at camp, on holidays, and so whatever routine they’ve establish throughout the year is thrown aside for two months to “enjoy life.” 

Cue September: an abundance of ads from gyms, pyramid systems, or coaches that promise their plan is going to help you get “back into” shape….

It’s great timing, really, because we’re at our weakest. We’ve spent 2 months doing whatever the hell we want, whenever we want. So now, we’re like “damn, all I need to do is add in a few shakes, drink more water, eat balanced meals, workout everyday, not have sugar or carbs, get 8+ hours of sleep, cut out PSL’s, and I’ll get back to where I was in the spring in 30 days.”.........

If any of this resonates with you, or you’re a bit sour because you’ve fallen prey to these behaviours, I just want you to know:

  1. You’re not alone. 

  2. It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault. *Robin Williams voice from Good Willing Hunting*

  3. It doesn’t have to be that way (please keep reading). 

Here's the thing, if your routine for 10 months of the year, doesn’t allow you to “enjoy life,” then it’s probably worth reconsidering…and not for the magic pill anyone is going to sell you. 

Not eating carbs or alcohol for 30 days isn’t going to work. Going to the gym for 30 days won’t change a dang thing, either, if these habits are ones that will only stick for 30 days. They won’t bring you any closer to self-love, confidence, and body-acceptance in 40 days. They won’t empower you to make decisions for yourself. They won’t allow you to love your body as is, now and tomorrow.

These extremes of “30 days” are sexy. Extremes are fast and easy. Who doesn’t want their “dream body” in 30 days, regardless of what they have to give up to get there? The irony is the seller preaches a healthy lifestyle, but nothing about what you’re about to do in this next 30-day-challenge is healthy.

So before you go off and buy whatever new product or program is coming out this month, remember this:

Consistency works. Find a lifestyle that works for you (and you enjoy), and be consistent with it. It may not allow you to lose 15 pounds in one month, but maybe it will in 6 months? And if in that time, you keep your sanity and increase your happiness, build healthier relationships with family, friends, food, and yourself, AND you don’t gain the weight back, isn’t it worth trying?

You have the ability to take control of your life.

I believe in you.

**p.s., your goal doesn’t have to be about weight loss; this blog addresses the programs that have this goal as their focus.


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