More isn’t better - Welcome to Remote Coaching


Why do we want to do more than we have to? Seriously..

This question does NOT come from a place of “laziness,” or not wanting to “do the work,” I ask this question, literally, because we have already packed SO MUCH into our lives. I don’t know more than a handful of people that are not in a constant state of S T R E S S.

Our society moves at lightening speed. We’re constantly overwhelmed with messages that in order to be successful in our careers/lives, we must do all of it (and more). We have to be able to work 40+ hours a week, with a side gig, have daily lunch dates, support our friends and family, have a clean house and nicely kept lawn, wear what’s in fashion, paint our nails, dye our hair, juggle our clean dishes with a smile on. If you’re a parent, the list goes on. You must do ALL of this, and more, without complaining.

The more we do, the better we are.

It’s exhausting. And honestly, it’s no wonder why, when we’re new to fitness, we are overwhelmed (and defeated) by thinking in order to accomplish the goals we set out to do, we have to really buckle down and give 100% effort towards training, nutrition, proper sleep hygiene, etc.

More is N O T better. And when your everyday life consumes you, this is especially the case. Adding in a workout routine that will only stress you out more will not be beneficial in creating long-term habits. If you’re stressed out about fitting a gym session into your schedule and/or if your workout routine leaves you absolutely depleted of energy, chances are you need

L E S S.

Consistency works. And consistency comes in all forms. But, we must be consistent with our routine. That is why it is paramount to create a routine we can stick to.

1:1 Remote Coaching is about creating life-long habits that fit into your life. It’s about feeling GOOD about our session, because it was programming for our body, and it fit into our schedule without any additional stress on time.

1:1 Remote Coaching was created with three things in mind:

  • Accessible programming (in cost & movement)

  • Functional training (effective & efficient)

  • Personalized (for you and your body).

Programming that is adaptable, for all walks of life, effective with little time commitment, and yet, allows clients to learn more about training, health, & wellness.

The added benefit - you take it where you want.

I will create a program for you based on what you have available to you, wherever you are.

If your routine does not add to your life,

you need to change it.

Be well,

Coach Sof


“Comparison is the thief of Joy.”


Consistency isn’t sexy, but it works…