So, you’re going back to the gym?


We all know it hasn’t been easy.

The world has been a weird place for the last 1.5 years, and we forget how to do the fitness thing, not to mention, in a social setting.

Summer has been a whirlwind; we did literally EVERYTHING we couldn’t do for 6 months, despite feeling overwhelmed in the process. We weren’t sure what our social thresholds were now that we’ve been isolated for so long, but we made plans thinking “I haven’t seen this person in so long” and “who knows what Fall time will bring.” Along with those plans came all our favourite beverages, charcuterie boards, and late nights. Those turned into late mornings, feeling groggy, or worst of all, wishing we hadn’t done that thing in the first place.

Please find some comfort in knowing LITERALLY EVERYONE feels the same. You’re not to blame. This is quite literally the first time we have experienced this, and you coped the best way you could with what you had.

And now as we are nearing the last few weeks of summer, we’re starting to think about Fall time routines; and despite that we originally felt a little (or a lot) anxious for it, we’re looking forward to more of a schedule.

Please consider a few key points as you head back into a (gym time) routine:

  1. Start slow and controlled.

    This is as true in training as it is with finding that routine of meal prep, sleep, and getting that H20. You can’t start by doing it all at once! Commit to doing one small thing a day, and attack that before you attack an extra thing. Remember, more isn’t better.

  2. Give yourself some grace as you start.

    When kids start a new activity we tell them “That’s okay, you tried” when they get upset that they couldn’t get it just right on day one. Well, that shouldn’t change as we age. Everything won’t be perfect your first week back into a routine, but you can say you tried, and that you’ll continue to try. As long as you commit to trying, you’ve succeeded.

  3. Work with a coach.

    There is a lot of comfort in knowing you’re restarting with an experts eye. Not to mention, you take the guess work out of your own training and how to start back at the gym. If you’re interested in what Every.Body. Fitness. has to offer, read more about offerings here. Find a coach that works for you; building a relationship is key.

  4. Find some comfort in knowing that we all feel this way.

    “It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault. It’s not your fault” - Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting.

    Really though, it isn’t. And pay no attention to any email subscription, advertisement, or social media page that tells you otherwise. *Purges through social media*

I wish you the very best as we head into our last few weeks of summer.

Whatever you do, remember,


Until next time,

Coach Sof.


Can I do this for the rest of my life?